There is a lot of misinformation on the market about the cause and cure of bad breath, also known as halitosis.The source of the smelly odor is actual
There is a lot of misinformation on the market about the cause and cure of bad breath, also known as halitosis.The source of the smelly odor is actually a number of sulfur compounds which are given off by anaerobic bacteria that are found in the papillae(fibres that compose the tongue) beneath the surface of the tongue. Also in the throat and the tonsils. These bacteria react to changes in their environment by producing odorous and awful tasting Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs). These VSCs include hydrogen sulfide (smells like rotten eggs), methyl mercaptan (smells like old Gym socks), Putrescine and Cadaverine (smells like old garbage) and several other chemicals.
The only scientifically proven and really effective method of halting Halitosis is by attacking the bacteria's ability to produce VSC's and by converting the VSC's into non-odorous and non-tasting organic salts.
The following are some conditions that can serve as a catalyst or a trigger for bad breath: * Dry mouth * Thick saliva * Excess mucus in the throat * Post nasal drip * High protein diet (e.g., dairy foods, red meat, beans, etc.) * Smoking * Alcohol (often found in mouthwash!) * Hormonal fluctuations * Medications causing dry mouth as a side-effect (anti-depressants, high blood pressure medications, anti-histamines, etc.) * Diabetes * Special diets (e.g., Atkins Diet or other high protein diets)
You may be asking "What about onions and garlic? What does bacteria have to do with the bad breath I get when I eat Italian foods?" The truth is that sulfur is also the culprit in cases of bad breath caused by food odors. Onions, garlic, and other spicy foods contain a variety of sulfur compounds, known as mercaptans, which are very odorous. In other words, nearly all cases of bad breath and/or taste disorders (also called halitosis) involve good bacteria and should never be treated with antibiotics. It's the sulfur compounds produced by these bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor, not the bacteria themselves. Sadly, some physicians make the mistake of prescribing antibiotics for bad breath!
Why Dry Mouth Causes Bad Breath
The term anerobic bacteria denotes that these bacteria thrive in an oxygen free environment . It is precisely in this lack of oxygen that they produce the bad smelling sulfur compounds. But, your saliva is very rich in oxygen which keeps your mouth fresh and healthy. Indeed saliva may be called nature's breath freshener. A dry mouth means a lack of saliva which means less oxygen, resulting in an anaerobic condition which causes the bacteria to produce odorous sulfur compounds. For these reasons a dry mouth is a most common cause of halitosis. But what are some of the causes of dry mouth? Sometimes this is a side effect of some prescription medicines used to treat high hypertension and depression. Also antihistamines and drinks containing alcohol. Ironically some mouthwashes contain alcohol and so can be a source of bad breath!
Can Post-Nasal Drip Cause Bad Breath?
In this situation, mucus accumulates in the throat area and on the back of the tongue. But this mucus consists basically of chains of protein molecules which the bacteria break down to produce odorous sulfur compounds. And if you use antihystamines to stop the nasal drip, this can cause your mouth to dry out thus depleting the oxygen rich saliva. And this makes a bad situation worse.
About the Author
Are You looking for a Bad Breath Solution? Expert and Author Tony Nelson invites you to access his Free 10-Part Mini Course and discover step-by-step the secrets to solving and relieving your bad breath problems. Also for more great articles on how to Cure Bad Breath visit his site at
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