Sunday, July 5, 2009

Why Diet Is Important: by Dr Peter Lind

Diet is the routine of what you eat. Nutrition is the nutritional content of what you consume.
You may eat a diet full of junk; it is still called a diet. Not a good one, but a diet nonetheless. Your diet is a general term you use that may be filled with anything and can do good things to you or bad things. It is a category, a term used to define a list of food that you enjoy. Diet does not mean you are going to loose weight. You are on a diet with anything you eat. We call it your "diet" referring to the food you eat.

Food is the only thing that can provide nutrition to your body. Nutrition varies in quality. You can have a an unhealthy diet or a very healthy diet.

There is much information about diets -- some good, some okay, and some not even worth spending a moment on. How is anyone supposed to know what to do?

Some people spend a lifetime on the subject, and maybe you should, there are only a few great ideas you really need to know. Uninformed people try to want to bend the natural rules that govern a nutritious diet and that becomes a problem.

What is the Real Issue with Diet Food

I know you'd like to buy some kind of diet food and make it work to loose weight for the long-term: it isn't going to happen! It is not possible. Oh, you can loose weight without much thought or direction. You already know what to do.

A challenge is to live a healthy lifestyle while eating packaged diet food. This isn't going to happen unless you make your own diet food.

Commercial diet food does not have vitamins and nutrients and is sold at exuberant prices for your convenience because you work too hard. But if you don't buy packaged food when you come home you work even harder trying to find something to put together for dinner while trying to satisfy finicky eaters who live in your house.

I have great news for you! You can prepare your own diet food! This is true and there are several good reasons to do this. The benefits of preparing your own diet food:

Taste better than what is soaked in food additives and chemicals Is healthier than commercial diet foods Allows your family to become healthy food experts in the kitchen

It takes planning and attention but isn't it worth the effort? Food that you consume goes into your body and makes you healthy or unhealthy.

Weight Loss for the Weak of Mind

Weight loss motivation is one of the most important parts to diet and weight loss.

Here are just a few motivation tips to keep you motivated to your plan.

Only weigh yourself once a week. Plan long term about this project. This is a lifestyle change so go easy on yourself. If you look at a scale every week, you know whether you need to make changes or not. Keep a picture of the heavier version of yourself in plain sight. This picture will remind you why you need to loose weight and will keep you from sliding back into old habits. It will also remind you of how far you have come and how much better you will look.

Visualize your new you everyday. Visualize about how you want yourself to look. If you have achieved your new goals then just imagine yourself doing some new things, in your new body.

Set your goals farther and higher. If you reach your ideal weight, then you should set some new goals that will push you further into health. If you don't, you will likely fall back into old habits. Keep pushing to keep yourself busy and achieve what you haven't thought possible. For example if you have reached your ideal weight, then set a goal to add muscle. Think about yourself in perfect health, like you never imagined you could. Look long and hard, set your goal and then reach it. Nothing will keep you more motivated then setting and accomplishing your new goals.

Get a manual about food, diet, and weight loss. There's nothing like a program of how to eat that will motivate you.

Since you've read this far I might as well let you in on a secret. Eating correctly is easy. The difficult part is setting your rules. When you set your rules you are less likely to fail. Sure, you will stumble. But don't get down on yourself. On the other hand you've got to keep going. You can't give up because you've messed up a day or week's diet.

Your main problem is gaining confidence in yourself to trust what you decide about your food rules. You are the only one that can make them, only you can follow them, only you can break them, and only you can re-set them.

For more healthful information go to the website listed below and just get it for free.

About the Author
A new report on the latest wellness information about diet from Dr. Peter Lind can be found at Diet Report or Read more!


Reasons You Should Opt For Herbal Skin Care Products by Sara Gregory

Are you tired of the skin care products that you have used over the years? Do you want something more natural? Then it's time for you to try herbal skin care products. Most beauty care products contain harmful chemicals and are not safe to use. They can damage your skin more than you can imagine. Many of the dermatologists and cosmetologists in today's market advise their clients to use natural and herbal products for their skin. As a result, many cosmetic companies have launched several herbal products and have seen increases in their sales. Natural herbs are gentle on the skin; they always nourish it thoroughly. Some of the ingredients used in these natural products are: shea butter, aloe vera, essential oils and herbs such as lime flowers, dandelion, rosemary, chamomile and tea tree oil.
Many herbal skin care products were used in ancient times and, much to our surprise, are still being used today. Modern scientific studies have verified this as fact. These products were judged as good for the skin. So, as a result, the request that natural, herbal products be used in today's cosmetics has been on the increase. Many cosmetic companies have taken note of these requests. But, some of them have added preservatives with the herbal products to enhance their shelf life. Depending on the amount of preservatives added, some herbal products become less effective. Nevertheless, in today's market, people have begun to realize that herbal skin care products, as opposed to chemically-based products, are best for their skin. And with their hectic lifestyles and the commercialization of most skin care products, it is difficult to find good herbal skin care products for use at home.

Herbal skin care products are made from one herb or a mixture of various herbs. As consumers, you should always read the list of ingredients carefully before buying an herbal based product. Please check to see if the product contains any chemicals or preservatives. Many herbal supplements are used in herbal skin care products to address skin care problems. These supplements may be used; your skin will remain healthy and retain its natural beauty. Natural herbs are found in many cleansers, moisturizers, toners and in hand, foot and eye creams. These items are made from natural products which will add a certain 'glow' to your skin. Remember, many scientists believe that by using natural herbal products, only an 'ultimate perfection' will show in your skin.

Treating your skin with an aloe vera treatment is one of the more popular herbal skin care treatments. Aloe vera, being a very effective herb, helps the skin by removing sun burns and heals cuts. Rosemary, lime flowers and other herbs have a wonderful cleansing property that is so good for your skin. Rose water and lavender are the best natural toners. Marigold, thyme and fennel have extremely effective antiseptic properties. Shea butter is very effective in healing scars, maintaining moisture and providing protection from the sun's UV rays.

If you want products that are extremely good for your eyes, skin or hair, then always use herbal skin care products. You will get a healthy look from within and it will show up on your skin. Even if you get an herbal skin treatment at a salon or spa, try to treat yourself with similar natural products when at home. These products will protect your skin regardless of the weather conditions.

Remember this: herbal skin care products, with their natural ingredients, are best for your skin. They do not contain harsh chemicals which, throughout history, have proven to be harmful to skin. So, create an asset in your life by having good health and good looking skin. Look beautiful and natural! Use nature's natural herbal skin care products.

About the Author
Sara Gregory is the author of this article. ceXpress Inspired by nature, their hair care collection is formulated with nature-based ingredients such as soybean, shea cocoa and organic oils. To find more information visit - Read more!


Natural Hair Care by Sara Gregory

Everyone on this earth is fond of natural hairs. But it's not possible for everyone to maintain their natural hair because of their busy life and unhealthy eating habits. To make your hair look naturally beautiful, you yourself have to take good care of it. Here are some of the tips that might help you to maintain your natural hair:
1. Eating healthy: This is one of the most important points to be considered. For many of us with fast moving lives, we grab whatever we can lay our hands on through some drive thru and often eat in the car. Let's get back to basics by eating fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables (collard greens count too) as these will provide you with the appropriate vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B, C, and E encourage hair growth and make this growth sustainable and healthy. Water intake also removes the toxins from your body and provides you with shiny, bouncy hair not to mention glowing skin.

2. Use of appropriate shampoo: Stay away from drying, stripping shampoo products. Although these kinds of products produce lots of lather, they are harsh on your hair and tend to dry out the hair. You should use shampoos which contain decyl glucose, or decyl glucoside as they are very gentle on natural hair.

3. Regular oil moisturize: You should regularly oil your hair. Use a nature-based hair oil. Apply a small amount with your finger-tips directly to your scalp and massage it through the hair shaft. Apply a dime-sized amount to you hair prior to wrapping your hair with a silk sleep cloth at night. This will help maintain your natural hair by preventing your hair from drying.

4. Remove hair accessories: Do not use hair accessories such as scrunchies, bobby-pins, head bands, rubber bands and barrettes when you are sleeping. These will damage your hair and will lead to hair breakage.

5. Hair gels, colors and mousse: Avoid excess usage of permanent hair colors, especially if you relax or perm you hair. Limit the use of hair sprays or spritz containing a lot of alcohol. Give it the smell test. Spray it, and then smell it. If you smell a heavy alcohol odor, either limit your use or do not use it at all. New gentle products, such as hair mists, which are combination sheen and holding products) and hair masks, which are mild gels enabling you to keep your look and re-manipulate your hair the next day) are more gentle and practical product alternatives. You should always air dry or use a hooded dryer to dry your hair first instead of blow-drying. Once your hair is fairly dry, then use the blow dryer and/or flat iron to completely dry and further straighten your hair. Use hair butters and light oils (elixirs) to make your hair soft and smooth. Mousses are a great way to smooth and shape your hair during the drying process.

6. Use wide toothed comb: Wide toothed combs are always recommended as boar hair brushes can really make your hair weak and will break it in large amounts when used on wet or fragile hair. You can even untangle your hair with your fingers when it is wet to decrease the likelihood of damaging it when combing your hair wet.

7. Hair massage: This is also important, as it will increase the blood flow to the scalp. The roots of your hair will get the proper nourishment, which in turn, will help in hair growth. Touch your hair and scalp. Put a small amount of hair oil on your fingertips (not finger nails) and massage your scalp for at least 120 seconds twice daily. Hair Trimming: You should go for regular hair trimmings. Having your hair trimmed will remove split ends and make your hair look beautiful! Ignoring split ends to save the length of you hair will only leave you with bushy unhealthy looking hair as the hair shaft will continue to split unless cut.

8. Natural products: Use natural herbal hair care products to have long and beautiful hair. Natural products do not contain harmful products and are very safe to use.

9. Use natural herbal hair products: When caring for your hair, use natural herbal hair care products. Natural herbal hair care products contain fewer chemicals linked to common hair and skin irritation and are safe and gentle to use. But, more importantly, your hair will look and feel more healthy and beautiful.

These simple tips will help you to maintain your natural hair. So, from now on, flaunt your natural beauty.

About the Author
Sara Gregory is the author of this article. ceXpress Inspired by nature, their hair care collection is formulated with nature-based ingredients such as soybean, shea cocoa and organic oils. To find more information visit - Read more!


Beauty Care: Facts and Myths by Sara Gregory

There are many beauty care facts and myths flying all over the world. Some of the myths remain forever and spread like a wildfire. But, in order to ease your mind, here are some facts and myths about beauty care:
Myth: Natural products are the safest

Fact: That statement is not a myth. Natural products are the safest to use. However, some natural products should not be applied directly on your skin. Fruit acids, tea tree oil and witch hazels should not be applied to your skin.

Myth: Washing your hair everyday makes it dry and lifeless.

Fact: That statement may be true. But, you have to choose and then use a suitable shampoo for your hair. Find a shampoo that will add moisture to your hair instead of making it dull and dry. Treating your hair with a more suitable shampoo will add beauty, depth and life to your hair. When it comes to black hair, moisture is key. Everyday washing, followed by a heat process may make the hair more dry than needed.

Myth: Cutting your hair regularly will help it grow longer.

Fact: You may only help to increase the length of your hair by allowing the proper blood flow to your scalp and hair follicles. When you regularly trim your hair, a process takes place which creates a healthy condition that is suitable for hair growth.

Myth: Cosmetics contain harmful and toxic ingredients

Myth: Cosmetics contain harmful and toxic ingredients that are bad for your skin

Fact: Not all cosmetics are harmful to the skin. There are two important factors which may determine how harmful a product may be: (1) your skin type and (2) the products used by a cosmetic company. You should know your skin type and only use products that are suitable for you. Cosmetic companies are supposed to follow some standard rules and regulations of regulatory agencies so that their ingredients may be used by most consumers.

Myth: If you sleep with wet hair it will cause scalp fungus

Fact: Scalp fungus is not caused by sleeping with wet scalp. However, you may develop a scalp fungus due to infected hair care tools and other human errors.

Myth: Using lemon juice causes hair to lighten or become blonde

Fact: This is not true. Lemon juice tends to provide shine to the hair but it does not change its color.

Myth: Brushing thinning hair will make it thinner

Fact: If you use a good hair brush then your hair loss problem will not be aggravated. You can only lose hair that is ready to fall out. But remember, brushing your hair excessively is always discouraged.

Myth: Eating foods that contain oil will lead to acne and pimples

Fact: That statement is not true. Acne and pimples occur when the pores of the skin are not cleaned properly. Skin pores become clogged with dirt and oil which then turn into pimples and acne. Bacterial growth and hormonal changes lead to acne as well. But, regardless of what we eat, consistently consuming a healthy diet is always advisable.

Myth: Do not use sunscreen lotion if you are black or multi-cultural. It's a waste of money.

Fact: That statement is false. Sunscreen lotion should be used daily when you are exposing yourself to direct sunlight. The sun contains UV (ultra violet) rays that are harmful to human skin regardless of color or lack thereof. Additionally, using products heavy in shea butter, as shea butter is a natural sunscreen, is also advisable.

Myth: Oiling your hair leads to thicker and stronger hair

Fact: This statement is false. Oiling your hair regularly makes the texture of your hair smoother. It also prevents your hair from becoming dry or brittle. However, it does not make your hair thicker or stronger. If you maintain a consistently healthy diet and give your hair excellent care, you will notice that your hair will appear healthy and vibrant. Keeping the proper moisture balance in your hair and scalp creates a more stable environment suitable for hair growth. It also helps prevent breakage.

About the Author
Sara Gregory is the author of this article. ceXpress Inspired by nature, their hair care collection is formulated with nature-based ingredients such as soybean, shea cocoa and organic oils. To find more information visit - Read more!


Use These Acne Home Treatments And Thank Yourself Tomorrow by Randy Short

The following are 3 key tips necessary for a successful acne home cure.

1) Do your homework. What do I mean? If you want to try out a particular acne home treatment, be kind to yourself and just invest say 1 hour and hit the net. "Well I am on the internet", I can hear you assert. Yes, you are. But I mean look where it counts the most. What should you look for : read up comments about that home cure you want to try out, check the trustworthiness of the source ; are there affidavits or success stories? Are there real folks, who've attempted the technique and reported success with it, are you contact these people?

This is particularly significant if you have tried a zillion ( unsuccessful ) strategies for getting rid of these annoying zits.

You want to be self confident and remain so, to be in a position to treat that acne successfully. Depending on the seriousness of your acne, the nature of your own skin and the efficacy of the acne home cure technique you are using, you could need to exercise patience to reach your target of a pretty, smooth and acne-free face skin.

3) Pay attention to the particular food types you are taking that trigger acne outbreaks on your face. You must start taking note of this. So the next time you have a sudden breakout, stop and think over your meals.

Some of the foods that folks have announced to cause their breakouts to get worse or trigger their acne include: chocolate, nuts, coffee. You just work on yourself and try identifying the cause in your case, if there's a specific trigger.

About the Author
That being said, many acne home treatments are in use today, and the number of people
trying this is growing. Read more!


There is a lot of misinformation on the market about the cause and cure of bad breath, also known as halitosis.The source of the smelly odor is actual

There is a lot of misinformation on the market about the cause and cure of bad breath, also known as halitosis.The source of the smelly odor is actually a number of sulfur compounds which are given off by anaerobic bacteria that are found in the papillae(fibres that compose the tongue) beneath the surface of the tongue. Also in the throat and the tonsils. These bacteria react to changes in their environment by producing odorous and awful tasting Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs). These VSCs include hydrogen sulfide (smells like rotten eggs), methyl mercaptan (smells like old Gym socks), Putrescine and Cadaverine (smells like old garbage) and several other chemicals.
The only scientifically proven and really effective method of halting Halitosis is by attacking the bacteria's ability to produce VSC's and by converting the VSC's into non-odorous and non-tasting organic salts.

The following are some conditions that can serve as a catalyst or a trigger for bad breath: * Dry mouth * Thick saliva * Excess mucus in the throat * Post nasal drip * High protein diet (e.g., dairy foods, red meat, beans, etc.) * Smoking * Alcohol (often found in mouthwash!) * Hormonal fluctuations * Medications causing dry mouth as a side-effect (anti-depressants, high blood pressure medications, anti-histamines, etc.) * Diabetes * Special diets (e.g., Atkins Diet or other high protein diets)

You may be asking "What about onions and garlic? What does bacteria have to do with the bad breath I get when I eat Italian foods?" The truth is that sulfur is also the culprit in cases of bad breath caused by food odors. Onions, garlic, and other spicy foods contain a variety of sulfur compounds, known as mercaptans, which are very odorous. In other words, nearly all cases of bad breath and/or taste disorders (also called halitosis) involve good bacteria and should never be treated with antibiotics. It's the sulfur compounds produced by these bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor, not the bacteria themselves. Sadly, some physicians make the mistake of prescribing antibiotics for bad breath!

Why Dry Mouth Causes Bad Breath

The term anerobic bacteria denotes that these bacteria thrive in an oxygen free environment . It is precisely in this lack of oxygen that they produce the bad smelling sulfur compounds. But, your saliva is very rich in oxygen which keeps your mouth fresh and healthy. Indeed saliva may be called nature's breath freshener. A dry mouth means a lack of saliva which means less oxygen, resulting in an anaerobic condition which causes the bacteria to produce odorous sulfur compounds. For these reasons a dry mouth is a most common cause of halitosis. But what are some of the causes of dry mouth? Sometimes this is a side effect of some prescription medicines used to treat high hypertension and depression. Also antihistamines and drinks containing alcohol. Ironically some mouthwashes contain alcohol and so can be a source of bad breath!

Can Post-Nasal Drip Cause Bad Breath?

In this situation, mucus accumulates in the throat area and on the back of the tongue. But this mucus consists basically of chains of protein molecules which the bacteria break down to produce odorous sulfur compounds. And if you use antihystamines to stop the nasal drip, this can cause your mouth to dry out thus depleting the oxygen rich saliva. And this makes a bad situation worse.

About the Author
Are You looking for a Bad Breath Solution? Expert and Author Tony Nelson invites you to access his Free 10-Part Mini Course and discover step-by-step the secrets to solving and relieving your bad breath problems. Also for more great articles on how to Cure Bad Breath visit his site at Read more!


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