Why Diet Is Important: by Dr Peter Lind
Diet is the routine of what you eat. Nutrition is the nutritional content of what you consume.
You may eat a diet full of junk; it is still called a diet. Not a good one, but a diet nonetheless. Your diet is a general term you use that may be filled with anything and can do good things to you or bad things. It is a category, a term used to define a list of food that you enjoy. Diet does not mean you are going to loose weight. You are on a diet with anything you eat. We call it your "diet" referring to the food you eat.
Food is the only thing that can provide nutrition to your body. Nutrition varies in quality. You can have a an unhealthy diet or a very healthy diet.
There is much information about diets -- some good, some okay, and some not even worth spending a moment on. How is anyone supposed to know what to do?
Some people spend a lifetime on the subject, and maybe you should, there are only a few great ideas you really need to know. Uninformed people try to want to bend the natural rules that govern a nutritious diet and that becomes a problem.
What is the Real Issue with Diet Food
I know you'd like to buy some kind of diet food and make it work to loose weight for the long-term: it isn't going to happen! It is not possible. Oh, you can loose weight without much thought or direction. You already know what to do.
A challenge is to live a healthy lifestyle while eating packaged diet food. This isn't going to happen unless you make your own diet food.
Commercial diet food does not have vitamins and nutrients and is sold at exuberant prices for your convenience because you work too hard. But if you don't buy packaged food when you come home you work even harder trying to find something to put together for dinner while trying to satisfy finicky eaters who live in your house.
I have great news for you! You can prepare your own diet food! This is true and there are several good reasons to do this. The benefits of preparing your own diet food:
Taste better than what is soaked in food additives and chemicals Is healthier than commercial diet foods Allows your family to become healthy food experts in the kitchen
It takes planning and attention but isn't it worth the effort? Food that you consume goes into your body and makes you healthy or unhealthy.
Weight Loss for the Weak of Mind
Weight loss motivation is one of the most important parts to diet and weight loss.
Here are just a few motivation tips to keep you motivated to your plan.
Only weigh yourself once a week. Plan long term about this project. This is a lifestyle change so go easy on yourself. If you look at a scale every week, you know whether you need to make changes or not. Keep a picture of the heavier version of yourself in plain sight. This picture will remind you why you need to loose weight and will keep you from sliding back into old habits. It will also remind you of how far you have come and how much better you will look.
Visualize your new you everyday. Visualize about how you want yourself to look. If you have achieved your new goals then just imagine yourself doing some new things, in your new body.
Set your goals farther and higher. If you reach your ideal weight, then you should set some new goals that will push you further into health. If you don't, you will likely fall back into old habits. Keep pushing to keep yourself busy and achieve what you haven't thought possible. For example if you have reached your ideal weight, then set a goal to add muscle. Think about yourself in perfect health, like you never imagined you could. Look long and hard, set your goal and then reach it. Nothing will keep you more motivated then setting and accomplishing your new goals.
Get a manual about food, diet, and weight loss. There's nothing like a program of how to eat that will motivate you.
Since you've read this far I might as well let you in on a secret. Eating correctly is easy. The difficult part is setting your rules. When you set your rules you are less likely to fail. Sure, you will stumble. But don't get down on yourself. On the other hand you've got to keep going. You can't give up because you've messed up a day or week's diet.
Your main problem is gaining confidence in yourself to trust what you decide about your food rules. You are the only one that can make them, only you can follow them, only you can break them, and only you can re-set them.
For more healthful information go to the website listed below and just get it for free.
About the Author
A new report on the latest wellness information about diet from Dr. Peter Lind can be found at Diet Report or http://www.lindwellness.com/project_diet_nutrition_manual.aspx
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