Aloe Vera and Sea Vegetable as a Vitamin Supplement
Everything that grows from the earth has nutrients and vitamins in it. This is the same whether grown from land or in the sea. We can even create nutrient dense supplements by combining plants from both land and sea. The question then becomes, can a nutrient rich combination of land and sea provide health benefits? The answer is an emphatic yes! Plants, especially those that are considered rich in nutrients, contain the very same nutrients and vitamins that our bodies need.
Not all plants are healthy for us. Some plants contain more than nutrients and vitamins. Plants can be poisonous or harmful. It's important to find the plants that are good for you. The plants that will provide a health benefit, such as those that provide a vitamin A source.
The planet, OUR planet, has been suffering from a problem for a long time. The soil in which we grow our vegetables has become depleted of its nutrients. The plants, fruits, and vegetables grown on land simply don't have the nutritional punch they had just 50 years ago. Even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has increased the recommended servings per day. This is due, in part, to the depletion of our soils from farming too much, not rotating crops, picking crops too early, and pesticides.
Because of the depletion of vitamins in the soils we need to enhance or supplement the foods we eat. We often try to do it ourselves, sometimes messing it up and only restoring part of the nutrition that is missing. Sometime we overload on one vitamin supplement or another. It is important to achieve balance. Body balance, the balance of nutritional supplement and daily meals, results in a healthy and vibrant body.
Sea plants, sometimes called seaweed but more correctly called sea vegetables, are still in good shape. They do not have to grow in the ocean floor like plants on land need to do. A sea vegetable floats in the ocean absorbing its nutrients straight from the sea. Those nutrients are in pure form and not depleted. Sea vegetables are a rich source of nutrients that would make a great vitamin supplement.
Sea plants are high in vitamins and nutrients, and have been used all over the world. Combining sea vegetables with land grown plants that are still nutrient rich such as aloe vera creates a vitamin for energy. Think about the impact on your body if someone were to combine the benefit of aloe vera with the vitamin benefit of sea vegetables. Many Japanese have diets consisting of nearly 25% sea vegetables and as a result have the most people living past their 100th birthday and long before the ancient Greeks, aloe vera was used as a medicinal herb.
very informative article...Aloe Verahas more medical usage than just skin-related i.e. scar and acne.
Truely Aloe Vera is multi beneficail plant. aloe vera in general has a lot of benefits. its useful in many problems in many ways. i read this article on Aloe Vera n its really good.. try it.. it could help..
Aloe Vera
In winter use natural products.
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On the subject of Aloe Vera There are really only two reviews. The one love Aloe Vera, because they have thus made a positive experience, whether in health and / or financially. And then there are the others here suggest that only a moneymaking and utilization of bona fide human beings. Undoubtedly there are countless black sheep in this area. Especially the low-priced offers to questionable quality, and therefore anticipate a questionable effect on the organism. In addition, there are specialists, so-called self-appointed advisor Aloe Vera to make the statements such as "drink aloe vera and you will get well". Of course, here the critics right - the ambiance statements are untrustworthy. The aloe vera gel thus gets an unnecessary bad name. I know of no other food supplements containing more vitamins and trace elements than the aloe vera. In its natural form and composition of our bodies can absorb vitamins and Co much better - I know, can not keep up with artificially created product. Of course there are people who like their example, by absence vitamins produced, have disease to get a grip, but here one can not make any general statement healing. So consultants love them back here too - the aloe vera or the Aloe Vera
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