Selecting The Best Wrinkle Cream
by Geoff Hopkins
If you're attempting to look youthful and healthy, it is important to make the best decisions as possible, so that you get the best results. This may mean asking yourself which wrinkle cream is the best.
Although this question - which wrinkle cream is the best - seems to have an obvious answer, it is important to put some thought into it. That is because anti-wrinkle products abound, perhaps numbering into the thousands. Therefore it becomes very difficult to select the ideal anti-aging product.
In order to select the best anti-wrinkle product, you should find out what products are safe or dangerous, as well as what products work the best. It is also important to think about what your individual needs are. Do you have allergies that may inform your decision? What does your budget look like?
The first thing that you should do is think about the causes of wrinkles. These include sun exposure, in which the sun's rays create cellular and DNA changes, resulting in a heightened risk for skin cancer. In addition, wrinkles are caused by the loss of the skin's stretchiness which happens with aging, causing wrinkles, creases, and sagging. Finally, medicines and toxins damage the skin. One of the worst toxins is nicotine.
It is also critical to improve your overall health - an unwell body causes unhealthy skin. To do this, you can eat a healthful diet, and make sure to minimize stress, be active, and get lots of rest. Another way to avoid wrinkles is to avoid smoking and slather on the sunscreen daily so that you are protected from the sun's rays.
Next, make sure to drink plenty of water, which is good for the body and skin. At the same time, make sure to select an anti-wrinkle product that contains a moisturizer. A moisturizer not only helps your skin hold on to its moisture, but also gives it a little bit extra.
Since, as we already noted, sun exposure leads to wrinkling, you will also need to select an anti-aging product with sunscreen. This sunscreen can either be a natural product or a chemical product, which vary in safety. You will want to make sure to get a cream with an SPF of 15 or above - otherwise, it won't be successful in protecting skin from the sun.
The question of which wrinkle cream is the best might be related to whether they contain antioxidants - substances that protect and repair the skin. Likewise, your diet should have plenty of antioxidants in order to ensure that cells are repaired. Antioxidants, which can be either applied to the skin or eaten, include vitamin C, A, E, and lycopenes.
Finally, you should keep your eyes open for collagen and proteins. However, keep in mind that some forms of these substances cannot actually be absorbed by the skin. Forms that are easily absorbed and effective include aloe vera (long chain proteins). If you wish to keep yourself from using non-natural chemicals, try to stay away from components you can't successfully pronounce. If you do run across something you can't pronounce, look it up in a dictionary, since some sound complicated (like tocopherol - plain old vitamin E) but are not.
About the Author
Geoff Hopkins has worked in the anti wrinkle skin care product industry for years. He maintains websites about anti wrinkle skin care product and anti wrinkle skin care products. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.
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