Skin products for health and beauty
by Geoff Hopkins
Both women and men will come to show the sign of aging through wrinkling, sagging skin. For this simple reason, eventually everyone starts to become concerned about products that retain the health and youthful appearance of the skin, and many seek them out. Most people look first and foremost for a product that can help them to reduce these signs of aging, and restore a healthy, younger appearance to their skin.
Anti-aging skin care products can both reduce wrinkles and keep new wrinkles from forming. This is often the first choice (if not the only choice) for keeping skin young and healthy. There are several key areas that people today consider in finding the right product: easy and gentle application, good prices, natural ingredients, and visible results.
Some products should be used overnight. They are designed to absorb into the skin for long lasting action. Day creams often contain useful and important sun screen ingredients, protecting the skin from both ultra violet A and B rays. These can help to reduce the risk of skin cancer, as exposure to the sun increases chances that caner will develop. The health and beauty benefits make this an important skin care addition.
These products also must contain a good moisturizer, as properly hydrated skin is resistant to the formation of new wrinkles (and even hides existing wrinkles better!) Drinking plenty of liquids every day will help you achieve this. It is crucial to always moisturize with your chosen skin care product after washing, to preserve the moisture present in the skin. A simple, affordable an effective way to do this is with petroleum jelly.
Antioxidants rich foods (look for Vitamin A, D, E and lycopenes) are sometimes used as ingredients for skin care products. These will help to keep skin looking younger by repairing past damage and protecting it in the future.
As we age, our skin looses the firmness and elasticity of youth. This is caused by layers of proteins breaking down, shrinking, and penetrating the skin. Look for products with ingredients that will help build these layers up, such as collagen, aloe vera (which is particularly helpful as the shape of its proteins easily penetrates the skin.)
Botanical and Natural ingredients are becoming very popular in anti wrinkle creams. many people prefer the natural ingredients, such as green or white tea extracts, that contain these antioxidant healing properties
Most products available are made of manufactured ingredients, like alpha hydroxyl acids which help to remove dead skin cells and build up to reveal smother, healthier skin. Another way to achieve this result is with a mild peel. For those people who would rather use products with only natural ingredients, remember that not every natural ingredient is gentle to the skin or safe for the body. Sometimes it is best to use manufactured products instead.
When choosing a product that is right for you, do it based upon your own research, the advice of friends, and reliable articles from trusted sources. Be willing to experiment. Something that may sound strange to you, like a cream which shrinks piles, actually helps to reduce wrinkles and eye puffiness for hours on end.
About the Author
Geoff Hopkins has worked in the wrinkle remover cream industry for years. He maintains websites about wrinkle remover cream and anti wrinkle skin care products. If you want to contact him, you can use the contact for at one of his sites.
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