Monday, August 4, 2008

25 Important Point To Improve Your Health

1 -Brush twice a day! especially after ate
2-Dress right for the weather
3-Visit the dentist regularly
4-Get plenty of rest.
5-Make sure your hair is dry before going outside
6-Eat right.
7-Get outside in the sun every once in a while
8-Always wear a seatbelt
9-Control your drinking of alcoholic beverages
10-Smile! It will make you feel better
11-Dont over indulge yourself
12-Bathe regularly.
13-Read to exercise the brain
14-Surround yourself with friends
15-Stay away from too much caffeine
16-Use the bathroom regularly
17-Get plenty of exercise
18-Have your eyes checked regularly
19-Believe that people will like you for who you are.
20-Forgive and forget
21-Take plenty of vacations
22-Celebrate all special occasions
23-Pick up a hobby.
24-Love your neighbor as yourself
25-Eat plenty of vegetables.
Do all those step your will get better heath. Read more!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Valentine's day Gift

On this specail day "Valentine's day"it is the day that you show to your spouse,partner,friends,parents about your harmonious love and feeling to her/him.Not only you or me but everybody always care to people just different in showing,some they like to show only heart that they do care who they love,but some of them never give his/her spouse or partner any gift at all,espcially after they got married most things are changed.So to have more sweet memories do not heristat to make them suprise more about ur love and care.Take them for shopping, restaurant or somewhere that they never been or giving something that they never get.This is a part to build your strong relationship. It mean you have done a good environment for people around,it least they've been got peace in heart and strong healthy too. Read more!


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