How to Stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
By Dr. Mital John - Aug 11, 2010
Every minute of the day in America, menopausal women are heating up, and by this, I mean hot flashes. Hormone treatments have so many side effects; you would think that there would be a better way. Well there is. In fact, you can control your menopause symptoms with a vegetarian diet.
Only seven percent of Japanese women suffer from hot flashes, these Japanese women live in America. In Japan, there is not a word in their language for hot flashes. So what are the eastern women doing differently from the women of the western world? First thing that comes to my mind is diet. If you are interested in controlling your hot flashes and other menopause symptoms then follow these tips.
Signs of Menopause
Women entering menopause may notice irregular or missed periods, which lead to a decrease in fertility. Other signs of menopause include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, incontinence, fatigue, memory problems, mood swings, weight gain and changes in skin texture. A menstrual cycle, or period, is Mother Nature's way of allowing women to monitor their reproductive health. During puberty, most girls develop a menstrual cycle, indicating their fertility. This cycle occurs once a month for up to forty years. For one reason or another, a woman may desire to stop her period from occurring. Depending on her age and lifetime goals, there are a few options that can block a menstrual cycle from occurring.
Heavy menstrual bleeding is common during menopause, but is usually easy to treat. As the hormones begin to change as women get older, periods begin to become less frequent, and often times the bleeding becomes heavier. Luckily, natural remedies can help to prevent and treat this common problem. These can also be used to help reduce your regular menstruation before menopause as well.
• B-Complex Vitamins: B-Complex Vitamins help to prevent heavy bleeding by helping to stabilize the estrogen levels.
• Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps to treat excessive bleeding for most women. It's best to either take it in supplemental form with meals, or try to eat it naturally in your diet.
• Vitamin C: Vitamin C with Bioflavonoid helps to reduce heavy bleeding. It works best when you take around 2,000 milligrams a day with meals. You can take the Bioflavonoid separately, but it's best to take them together. If you take the bioflavonoid separately, try to take somewhere around 1,000 milligrams per day.
• Eat brown rice for the first 10 days, after that jasmine rice can be added to your diet. No other white food; bread, potatoes, sugar, and forget about chips!
• Add vegetables, fruits, soy, and tofu, whole grains, seaweed, and grass; barley and wheat to your diet. If you stick with this diet you will consume vegetable protein, low fat, moderate soy compounds, which have plentiful photo estrogen’s which mimic female hormones.
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