I Had Acne Problem
By Ron Bloomings - Mar 26, 2010
Acne is quite prevalent, almost everyone under the sun gets at least a fraction of it some time in their life history. Acne is the typical situation about which humiliating talks are from time to time made.
Surveys show that acne does often lower self-esteem and is so much agonizing. Studies reveal that the earlier acne shows up the more possible it is to be really bad, so the normal belief that acne is merely a problem for teenagers is inaccurate.
Teenagers are in many cases more disturbed by acne than they let on. Lots of teenagers, even though they would rather keep it to themselves, find that their acne is very unpleasant. They find it a great relief when treatment clears their skin. If acne is becoming stressful, it would be best to get treatment soon to get scarring minimized.
A few acne scars might still be tolerable, but an accumulation of scars over time will cause significant damage to the complexion. When acne is more critical it should be regarded as a top priority medical issue, because it could end up as permanent scarring.
If you are having problems with acne and are still looking for the next best thing, presumably the standard measures have not cleared your skin. Get evaluated by an expert in these situations is highly recommended for acute acne that is beyond the control of dermatological medications, or when there are other factors such as irregular periods, increased hair, or a weight problem.
For more than very mild acne, hormonal testing is useful. It's like the one done for extra hair growth or alopecia , and consists in taking measurement of androgens to find out if elevated levels play a certain role in the causing of acne.
Even quite bad cystic acne that remains stubborn for years frequently goes away for good with well organized hormonal therapy. This treatment may be well worth it if your acne is beyond the control of standard measures.
Proper skin care and proper hygiene are useful to control acne, even though won't make it disappear. It doesn't matter what people are telling you, diet is not an important factor in acne. In short, if you get acne it does not have anything to do with what you are doing.
Though acne is expected to clear away after teens, it can stay for many years. If acne disturbs you too much, get medical assistance as soon as possible.
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