Morning Sickness Remedies and Natural Cure for Morning Sickness
By Dr. Lee Mikal - Jul 1, 2010
Morning sickness refers to the sickness and vomiting that some women have when they become pregnant.
It is caused by the sudden increase in hormones throughout pregnancy. Although morning sickness is more ordinary in the morning, it can occur at anytime of the day or night.
Morning sickness is very ordinary. Most pregnant women have at least some nausea, and about a third has vomiting.
Morning sickness usually begins during the first month of pregnancy and continues through the 14th to 16th week (3rd or 4th month). Some women have nausea and vomiting through their entire pregnancy.
Morning sickness does not hurt the baby in any way unless you lose weight, such as with severe vomiting.
The amount of morning sickness for the duration of one pregnancy does not predict how you will feel in future pregnancies.
Causes of Morning Sickness
1. Hormone Progesterone- the hormone is to blame for many pregnancy symptom. Progesterone slows down many metabolic function in the body, including digestion.
2. This makes it hard for you to digest food as quickly as you used to, making you prone to morning sickness.
3. HCG- the HCG and estrogen hormones are also one of the morning sickness causes. Once HCG is released in the blood stream in a certain amount, it makes you feel queasy.
4. Weak Digestion- If your digestive system was weak even before pregnancy; chances are you will undergo more from morning sickness.
Morning Sickness Symptoms
Pregnancy morning disease occurs in 50 to 80% of new mom's to be. It's unfortunate that for many, the morning sickness will strike all from beginning to end the day and not just in the morning.
Most cases of morning condition occur between the 4th and 6th week of pregnancy and lasts until the 14th to 16th week.
Treatment of Morning Sickness
1. Keep your mouth fresh and clean. Brushing frequently helps lessen excess saliva that troubles some pregnant women. Breath mints can be used for a fresh feeling.
2. Avoid dehydration. So drink plenty of fluids. You also need to return the fluids lost during vomiting.
Try juicy fruits like watermelon if water and juices are not working. For some women beverages taken between meals works better than that with meals.
3. Keep eating smaller, frequent meals. An empty abdomen makes you feel worse because it produces acid. Besides low blood sugar causes nausea too.
Home Remedies for Morning Sickness
1. Chewing a piece of auburn or having ginger foodstuffs like ginger tea, ginger candy etc is one of the most trendy and equally effective natural home remedies for Morning Sickness home treatment. However, do not overeat in this natural remedy.
2. Take about 20 or 25 curry foliage and extract their juice. Add one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of lime juice in this curry juice. Finally, consume this remedies mixture three to four times in a day to cure Morning disease obviously.
3. Having a mixture of one teaspoon each of mint juice, lime juice, honey and half a teaspoon of auburn juice is one of the best Morning Sickness home remedies.
Consume this usual remedy about three to four times in a day to heal Morning Sickness with no trouble at home.
4. Drinking a glass of water varied with one tablespoon each of honey and apple
5. cider vinegar serves as an outstanding natural cure for Morning Sickness.
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