Skin Care: Homemade Quickies for Acne
By john willi - Jun 29, 2010
Acne is a skin condition. It arises due to the overrun of oil by the oil glands of the skin. Oil is produced for lubricating the skin, but excess production leads to formation of acne. However when the oil gets entrapped in blocked oil ducts and as a result we come across pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the surface of skin. When proper care is not taken then many a time it includes deeper skin lesions that are called cysts.
A small swelling on the skin is pimples. At times it is filled with pus too. Accumulation of oil and cells in pores leads to the formation of black heads. It appears as a dark formation on the skin. When skin pore is blocked white heads appear as bumps. Sac filled with fluid substance or solid substance turn out is cyst which lies beneath the skin.
Acne can occur in any part of the body on the skin. Most often in men we can see acne as they produce more of the male hormones that induce acne formation. Women with irregular periods, huge body or facial hair have a higher risk of forming acne.
There are some quick homemade remedies that can work wonder on getting out of acne.
Use papaya mask. Wash your face using raw papaya juice. Papaya acts to reduce inflammation and makes your skin tender.
Make a paste of baking soda with water. Apply the paste on the acne and rinse off as soon as it dries.
Use white toothpaste on acne. Apply it and keep overnight. Get rid of those disturbing spots.
Honey has a high medicinal value. Apply a mask of raw honey and teaspoon of cinnamon. Wash off after 30 minutes. Isn’t that sweet enough to try!
Aspirin other than working on headaches can even be a wonderful quickie to get of acne. Use five tablets of aspirin. Crush into powder and make a paste. Use that paste as a scrubber and wash off after 20 minutes as the paste sets on your face or acne affected area.
Yummy oat meal is high fiber content breakfast, but it is also good to off acne. It is a great exfoliating scrub. Make a thick paste of dry oatmeal and water. Spread it on the acne affected area and later with wet cloth wipe it off.
Water rich cucumber also moisturizes your skin. So blend it in a blender, remover he juice apply it on the acne affected area, wash off later once dry.
Lemon can be used against acne in two different ways. Directly apply lemon on the acne affected area with a cotton ball or for a smooth remedy mix lemon juice with water and apply.
As acne creates redness on the skin. You can use a solution made of equal amount of vinegar and garlic juices to apply on the acne affected areas. Rinse off with water as soon as you splash the mixture on the acne affected area. It is highly effective.
Isn’t that simple and easy enough to get off with this acne, which really spoils the charm and is an absolute discomfort.
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