Ten Products To Avoid At All Times
By Dr Bill Stillwell - Nov 14, 2010
A few months back I paraphrased James (Snakehead)
Carville, a Democratic consultant famous for getting ole Billy Jay
elected some years ago, when I said, "It's the sugar, stupid!"
(Although now is a good time to repeat Carville's words to all
Democrats within earshot, "It's the economy,stupid!")
I've watching the labeling on any number of food products lately,
while food manufacturers try and repackage many of their products as
new and improved, while they are still the same old junk.
Here are a number of things to stay far away from:
1. Powdered cane sugar
2. Sweet and Low
3. Pure Cane Light Brown Sugar
4. Pure Cane Dark Brown Sugar
5. Molasses
6. Agave Nectar
7. Busy Bee Honey
8. Equal
9. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar
10. Corn Syrup
Sugar is sugar is sugar. And these are all "sugar," as far as your
body is concerned. If you want to lose weight, you really should
avoid them all, as much as possible. Agave nectar is being promoted
heavily these days, especially by the vegetarian crowd, but the
reality is, it's just another sugar.
Just for an example, let's take cookies, which everybody likes. The
best commercial cookies could have as many as 4 of the ingredients
listed above, in addition to flour and chocolate. Actually, the
chocolate is the ingredient least likely to screw up your system,
but in all likelihood, there will be more of all the other
ingredients than chocolate in the recipe.
If you're looking for a sweetener, you could use Truvia, Stevia, or
Xylitol. Stevia and Xylitol products have many different names and
can be found in most grocery stores. Truvia is being marketed much
the same as sugar packets, which from a marketing point of view
makes a lot of sense.
But what I would encourage more is to consume fruit in its natural
form. Eat an apple, a peach, some cherries, blueberries, watermelon
...there is an abundance of great fruit in the marketplace today and
you should take advantage of it. It is not only sound medical advice
to eat the rainbow of fruits and vegetables, but it's great for your
taste buds, which believe it or not, will not steer you wrong. When
you stop eating packaged products and start eating real foods, it
won't take long for your body to signal you that some of that crap
you've been eating doesn't pass the taste test, anymore.
Sugar contributes a great deal toward thickening the blood, which is
the start of heart disease, and it's something you don't want,
especially as Nobamacare rolls along. In the future, it isn't going
to be you and your doctor deciding what's best for you, it's going
to be some pointy headed government bureaucrat who's more interested
in statistics, than he is in you. You don't have to look any further
than England, where women with breast cancer have a 50% higher
motality rate than in the United States. Why? Rationing. That little
thing that Obama has been lying about, since he started this debate.
In rationing, there are only so many treatments available and when
the treatments are used up, the ones who didn't make the cut don't
get treated. That's why Obama had to sneak his rationing guy in the
back door, a couple of weeks ago. He knew that if the Senate had to
vote on this guy, they would never confirm him, because then, they
would be proving that they had lied all along. (Which they did.)
Here's a few more things that are almost all sugar:
1) Welch's Grape Jelly
2) Aunt Jemima Pancake Syrup
3) Maple Syrup
4) Strawberry Preserves
5) Teriyaki Sauce
Are you starting to get the picture? This is why every American is
consuming 166 pounds of sugar every year.
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