Safe Ways to Get Rid of Pimples
By Dr. Mital John - Nov 6, 2009
Some research says that pimples in adults are caused by hormonal problems, poor diet, stress, and even vitamin deficiency. Based on these causes, it was found out that one best adult pimples treatment is eliminating stress. Running, yoga, and meditation are stress-relieving activities. Furthermore, maintaining a proper diet and ideal weight is also one effective adult pimples treatment since excess weight results in the increased production of insulin which triggers the increase of androgen, the hormone involved in the creation of pimples.
Meanwhile, moderate pimples are characterized by the presence of whiteheads and blackheads partially covering the face. Treatment of moderate acne may involve light therapy or extraction along with the use of antibiotic creams or retinoid preparations. Sometimes, oral medications may be prescribed.
Going the natural way is not a new trend in treating pimples. In fact, these so-called natural pimples remedies have been around for ages. Herbal medicines such as aloe Vera, horsetail, lemon balm, and tansy are commonly used for the treatment of pimples. Some preparations made from these herbs may be used directly on the inflamed skin as topical treatments.
What can be your best skin problem Diet?
1. When you have acne, itching, rashes you will do well to avoid milk. Your diet should not have more than maximum two glasses of milk per day. There are a number of hormones in milk that is supplied through the milk of cows pregnant is harmful.
2. having a lot of fish - the fish is well known that the omega 3 oils that are so beneficial to the heart and surprisingly also for the skin. So, if you want a quick cure, you need a walk in their fish intake.
3. Since the less sugar, as you can - chocolates, sweets and similar things which contain sugar should be avoided at all costs. Your diet should really remove all the sweet things.
4. Stayed away from vitamin E - which has been observed that anyone who has problems like this, if you take vitamin E, have their acne worse in no time. This is why this vitamin should be avoided as much as possible.
This is the direction of essential oil -
Put 2 drops of junipers oil and Lebanese cedar wood oil in a half cup of water. Apply with the cotton wool on the Acne affected skin the solution for each 2 hours. You can mix juniperus oil with 1 spoon of jojoba oil and use the combination on pimples.
If you found Acne on the body you can put a couple drops of the essential oil to your body lotion without perfume and apply the combination that before bedtime. You will find that painfulness from pimples on the skin have been so reduced in the morning.
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